Realize every step of your data journey under one digital platform

Automatically discover and document any metadata to create a Data Catalog

Discover and map your metadata
Discover and map your metadata
Use data discovery and connectors to connect to any data source type and retrieve metadata structure.
Automatically create your data catalog
Automatically create your data catalog
Automatically initialize your data catalog and your business glossaries for quicker data office operations.
Define responsibilities
Define responsibilities
Define responsibilities of the Business Data Owners and the other actors that interact with the data (data steward, data user, data analyst, etc.).

Accelerate data compliance and assess data quality using Data Compliance

Assess and remediate data quality
Assess and remediate data quality
Use questionnaires and crowdsourcing to assess data quality, Launch measure and remediation campaigns.
Enforce data policies across the organization
Enforce data policies across the organization
Define your own internal data policies in a central repository to make it available to all users and implement them with data controls.
Accelerate compliance and keep up with regulatory changes
Accelerate compliance and keep up with regulatory changes
Import any new regulation from UCF with specific implementation guidance tips.

Automatically create data models from physical databases and reverse engineer into conceptual models using Data Architecture

Easily create physical models from your databases
Easily create physical models from your databases
Jump start your models using database reverse engineering that automatically detects dependencies and relationships.
Easily create logical and conceptual models from your physical layer
Easily create logical and conceptual models from your physical layer
Seamlessly create connected models by automatically generating logical and conceptual layers.
Conduct impact analysis
Conduct impact analysis
Use built-in navigation links between physical, logical, and conceptual layers to research and validate needed changes.

Create a shared business language for the whole company with a Business Glossary

Use your data catalog to build a business glossary
Use your data catalog to build a business glossary
Leverage your efforts in creating a data catalog to automatically generate a business glossary to enable the entire data community to work off a common shared business language.
Enrich and document your business glossary
Enrich and document your business glossary
Design conceptual models and add extra definitional content such as diagrams and visuals.
Master data compliance in a single place
Master data compliance in a single place
Conduct assessment and remediation campaigns to assess and improve data quality and compliance.
Enrich data literacy
Enrich data literacy
Use a dedicated enterprise portal to make your data catalog and business glossary available for all your employees to leverage and use.

Assess and comply with global data privacy laws with Privacy Management

Build your record of processing activities
Build your record of processing activities
Use a comprehensive tool to ensure your organization is compliant with Data Privacy regulations.
Create your data protection impact assessments
Create your data protection impact assessments
Save time and create your D.P.I.A. recordsdirectly in the solution.
Record personal data breaches and data subjects’ requests
Record personal data breaches and data subjects’ requests
Streamline efforts and create personal data breach records directly in the solution.

MEGA HOPEX Platform for data governance

Simplify collaboration and ensure alignment, collect and analyze information, and get actionable insights with a smart, automated and connected platform.

Smart: Enable data-driven decisions

  • Persona-based dashboards:  Monitor the ongoing performance of your projects using dashboards that are tailored for each main stakeholder.
  • HOPEX 360 Enterprise Portal & ID Card mobile apps: Share insights across your organization with a ready-to-use enterprise portal and mobile apps (available on- or off-line).
  • Out-of-the box reports: Analyze and understand your data assets with access to more than 20 standard reports.

Automated: Improve productivity for the teams

  • Accelerate your data compliance with UCF: Retrieve any up-to-date regulation from the UCF Repository. Directly implement rules in a shared Data Policies Repository.

Connected: Create synergies and foster collaboration

  • Central repository: Create synergies between stakeholders using a single source of truth that connects business, IT, data, and risk perspectives.
  • Integrations: Speed up time-to-value with out-of-the-box and custom integrations to collect data from external sources.
  • Intuitive and collaborative workflow: Simplify collaboration by setting up validation workflows to build and validate your data repositories and models.

Accelerate data governance implementation with out-of-the box integrations

Microsoft SQL

Microsoft SQL

Generate models directly from your relational databases by connecting your source databases to the HOPEX repository and retrieve metadata structure for your data catalog.



Use a built-in connector to generate your models directly from your relational databases by connecting your source database to the HOPEX repository and retrieve metadata structure for your data catalog.



Use a built-in connector to industrialize metadata discovery from Hadoop to create data catalogs.



Use a built-in connector to industrialize metadata discovery from SAP HANA to create data catalogs.



Use a built-in connector to industrialize metadata discovery from Salesforce to create data catalogs.

Microsoft Vision

Microsoft Teams

Leverage Microsoft Teams workspaces to simply chat and share data catalogs, data models, and analytics that foster collaboration.

Microsoft Office

Microsoft Office

Rapidly import and upload Excel data and Visio diagrams into the HOPEX platform, as well as export data into PowerPoint, Excel, and Word to easily share and consume documents across the organization.

Rest API GraphQL

Rest API/GraphQL

Perform any custom integration with third-party products using simple, efficient, industrialized GraphQL and REST APIs that can easily evolve as your business needs change.



Benefit from a data lineage platform that provides full visibility and control of your data pipeline. Scan your data environment to build an intuitive map of data flows and get a comprehensive view of data environments to inform critical business insights thanks to this integration.

Work in a standardized manner by using datagovernance and data modelling frameworks


HOPEX supports the DMBOK ® V2 for data governance and metadata management. 


Use HOPEX to create static and behavior UML diagrams in UML 2.3.


Use HOPEX to ensure EU residents’ data meets the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).


Use HOPEX to ensure your California resident data meets the California Consumer Protection Act (CCPA).


Basel III
Use HOPEX to import aggregate risk data, implement underlying data governance and infrastructure, and address data quality to perform data modelling that follows Basel III, the international regulatory framework for banks.


BCBS 239
Use data requirements BCBS 239 (The Basel Committee on Banking Supervision, Principles for effective risk data aggregation and risk reporting) to strengthen banks’ risk data aggregation and internal risk reporting that enhances risk management and decision-making processes.


Solvency II
Implement Solvency II data requirements that focus on the European Union Directive for insurance companies to ensure that data used to calculate technical provisions are appropriate, complete, and accurate.


Retrieve regulatory content from UCF® (Unified Compliance Framework) that maps and harmonizes more than 10,000+ controls to more than 1,000+ regulations and standards to streamline compliance initiatives and reduce costs.

See how we have helped our customers implement their projects

Core data intelligence use cases

Data Governance

Automatically discover any metadata to accelerate data catalog creation and improve data knowledge.

Data Quality and Compliance

Measure and monitor data quality and compliance using assessment campaigns.

Privacy Management

Ensure personal data usage is compliant with data privacy laws and regulations.

Business Glossary Management

Automatically build a business glossary initialized from your data catalog and collaborate on a common language. 

Data Modeling

Quickly build a visual representation of physical, logical, and conceptual data models using database reverse engineering to improve data knowledge.